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Public Records Request
To ensure transparency and accountability, the Village of Loving seeks to make the process of obtaining public records as easy as possible. The Village of Loving furthermore complies with the State of New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act NMSA 1978, Chapter 14, Article 2. as stated under the Office of the Attorney General, access to public records is one of the fundamental rights afforded to people in a democracy.
Information of Public Records Act and your rights defined by Section 14-2-1 have the following exceptions as defined:
- Every person has a right to inspect public records of this State except:
- Records pertaining to physical or mental examinations and medical treatment of persons confined to any institution;
- Letters of reference concerning employment, licensing or permits;
- Letters or memorandums which are matters of opinion in personnel files or students’ cumulative files;
- Law enforcement records that reveal confidential sources, methods, information or individuals accused but not charged with a crime. Law enforcement records include evidence in any form received or compiled in connection with any criminal investigation or prosecution by any law enforcement or prosecuting agency, including inactive matters or closed investigations to the extent that they contain the information listed above;
- As provided by the Confidential Materials Act;
- Trade secrets, attorney-client privileged information and long-range or strategic business plans of public hospitals discussed in a properly closed meeting;
- Tactical response plans or procedures prepared for or by the state or a political subdivision of the state, the publication of which could reveal specific vulnerabilities, risk assessments or tactical emergency security procedures that could be used to facilitate the planning or execution of a terrorist attack; and
- As otherwise provided by law.
- Protected personal identifier information contained in public records may be redacted by a public body before inspection or copying of a record. The presence of protected personal identifier information on a record does not exempt the record from inspection. Unredacted records that contain protected personal identifier information shall not be made available on publicly accessible web sites operated by or managed on behalf of a public body.
Make a public records request
Click here for our RECORDS REQUEST FORM.
Submit a public record request
To submit a public record request with the Village of Loving, please email the Public records request form to one of the following email addresses pertaining to your needs.
Village of Loving City Hall requests
[email protected] (Public Records Request Staff)
Village of Loving Police Department requests
[email protected] (PD Public Records Request Staff)
Public records availability
Anyone may make a request for records through the Village of Loving online, by mail, fax, verbally by phone, or verbally while in person at the Village of Loving.
The Village of Loving will respond to any requests made within no more than fifteen (15) days’ time if permitted, should the request not be permitted the requestee will receive confirmation of this within three (3) business days of which will include in writing (digital or physical) the reason for denial. Should the requestee not provide proper information of their person as indicated on the requesting form, verbally in person, or verbally by phone (Name, address and telephone number “if available” of the person requesting), the requestee may not receive contact about this matter as provided in the Inspection of Public Records Act Section 14-2-8, Subsection F.
The Village of Loving may charge a reasonable fee for each request for the inspection of public records of no more than one dollar ($1.00) per printed page to include the actual cost associated with computer disks or storage devices as set forth by the Inspection of Public Records Act Section 14-2-9 Subsection C.
Click here for our RECORDS REQUEST FORM